Team working remotely

Hire remote employees in Canada.

We are an integrated employer of record, entity formation, and entity management solution for companies growing into Canada.

Home port, anywhere you go.

Becoming a multinational is easier than ever. Whether you are starting by hiring a few employees or ready to incorporate a subsidiary in a new market, Thirdsail can help.

Employer of record services.

Hire employees across borders as easily as hiring right next door. Perfect for companies looking to hire less than 10 employees in a new country.
Working across borders.
Employer of Record

Grow further without borders.

Reach a bigger world of talent, and open the world to the talent you have. Thirdsail is breaking down barriers and making it possible for companies to do business in new countries.
Employee learning online.
Employee Experience

Provide a better employee experience.

Treat every employee like a first-class citizen. A good relationship starts with building a sense of belonging right from the start of onboarding.
Three people working remotely.
Remote Teams

Build a stronger remote team.

Go beyond remote as a perk - make it a strategy. Tapping into an international workforce lets you take your company culture beyond borders and strengthen your culture at home.

Navigate the world with us.

Company formation and management services.

Thirdsail can set up and manage your corporate subsidiary in Canada. Perfect for companies looking to make more than 5 - 10 hires or expand operations in a new country.
Two employees and world map
Company Formation

Establish yourself.

If you are ready to hire more than 5 employees in another country or want to create your footprint, Thirdsail can help. Our team of legal, tax, and compliance experts can help you set up your entity.
Two people teaming up.
Company Management

Your own entity without the hassle.

Thirdsail goes beyond setting you up with an entity - we manage the whole back office for you. Legal, tax, accounting, and payroll, we have you covered.
A man presenting charts and reports.
Corporate Services

Bespoke services, made for you.

Every business is different. From employment contracts to commercial agreements, recruiting to opening bank accounts, we can tailor solutions for your unique business needs.

Why Thirdsail?

World-class services can't be automated. We take care of your expansion with real humans, helping you and your team every step of the way.

The world is waiting.
Set sail with us.